Diabetic Lie #7: Diabetics Are Moody

If you’re a music fan like me, then the word “moody” isn’t so bad. There’s the Moody Blues, Jerry Butler’s “Moody Woman,” Pat Boone and Frank Sinatra’s“Moody River,” and more

But, when you’re talking about a bad attitude, well, you’re gonna start a fight if you spread this lie!

The fact of the matter is depression is more than twice as common among people suffering with Type 2 Diabetes than the general population. 

And, the “sugar swings” — swings from high blood sugar to low blood sugar and back – can affect mood for a short term. 

But, moody — in its negative connotation — is not attributable to diabetes. 

Imagine moving from feeling that your body has been hit by a Mack truck. And then, that the truck backed up over you to make sure you were ok. 

That’s how many with Type 2 describe the affects of high glucose levels.

This makes them feel very tired and worn down. Breathing is labored, headaches are often unmanageable, and several other side-effects are experienced.

Then, if they over-treat the high, their bodies slip into hypoglycemia (low sugars). In this state, the body has excessive amounts of energy.

You start to feel as if you drank two energy drinks, with 4 extra spoonfuls of sugar!

Now, go back to the extreme high described above.

How “moody” would you be?

Diabetics Shouldn’t Exercise.     Diabetics Can’t Get Good Jobs

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