Lie Number Three about Diabetes: Insulin Makes You Blind

OK… I’m Type 2. And, I’ve had four eye surgeries, eight laser surgeries, and about 20 eye injections in the past 10 years. I know about diabetes and eye problems.

But, THIS?

This is NOT true at all. Insulin does NOT make you blind.

As a matter of fact, insulin is a straight-out miracle. There are fewer side effects from insulin than most over-the-counter drugs. There are virtually zero drug interactions with other meds. And yet, insulin is both reviled and misunderstood.

My wife, who is Type 1, would not be alive today were it not for her insulin shots (at least four per day).

At one time, insulin was a “drug of last resort” and was prescribed too late after the debilitating affects of the disease had ravaged the body.

One of those organs affected are the eyes. Of course, other organs severely damaged by diabetes include the heart and kidneys. Their damage wasn’t blamed on the use of insulin. And, honestly, the eye damage can not honestly be blamed on the life-saving drug.

Diabetes is Caused by Obesity                                      Insulin Makes You Fat

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